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In Memory of Cathy Elliott

Cathy was a member of the DCCRC founding board of directors and was invaluable in helping to develop the DCCRC vision—using education to build the bridge to understanding between the First Nations, Métis and Inuit, and non-indigenous Canadians. Cathy was a true friend to our founders Gil and Debbie as they navigated their way through the creation of DCCRC and was the sole creator of the DCCRC logo.

We lost Cathy in October of 2017. The DCCRC and all its future events and programs are part of Cathy’s legacy. We will miss her dearly. She will never be forgotten.

Wow Fundraising Dinner

Read all about our Orangeville Dinner Series Pow Wow Fundraiser here:  See photo gallery of the event below…
Monday April 13th Honouring Youth Pow Wow Fundraising Dinner Series  6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Location: Barb’s Kitchen 634041 Highway 10, Orangeville, ON L9W2Z1

Call 519-216-8174 for tickets $75/ticket

You are invited to a fabulous traditional fundraising dinner which is happening on April 13 at 6:30 pm at Barb’s Kitchen $75/ticket to raise funds for Orangeville’s 1st Pow Wow and 2nd Annual National Aboriginal Day Celebration!

Five Local chefs will use the First Nations, Métis and Inuit traditional foods and add their own flair, offering an 8 – 10 course dinner.

Kim Newby from Sacred Spirit Dancers will be facilitating a presentation on First Nations culture, identity and dance and this will coincide with this delicious dinner!

Don’t miss this exciting and delicious event!  Check out the amazing menu our wonderful chefs have planned for us below…


Why is supporting Honouring Youth Pow Wow so important?

Pow Wow is a ceremony that provides a demonstration of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) culture and traditions where all songs and dances are done in prayer. The Pow Wow drum (Grandfather Drum) represents the heartbeat of Mother Earth causing an enlightening and physical experience. This will be the first Pow Wow in the Dufferin County area. It will provide a venue for people with FNMI heritage and the larger community …to see a joyful representation of the culture. This will instill pride and build on self-worth among First Nations people living in and coming to the area.

This type of annual ceremony was normally held by spiritual and medicine people of the community on summer solstice and was called “Puwaugunugawin” by the Anishnabe, meaning a feast of the pipes. Youth as the focus of this Pow Wow will help increase their knowledge and self-esteem by seeing their culture portrayed so positively.
Several respected elders from different First Nations have been invited to act as role models and provide teachings. These teachings include the creation story of Anishnabe philosophy; how to begin on the Pow Wow Trail, Anishnabe way of life, prophecy of the seven fires, spiritual protocols, seven grandfathers teachings, the medicine wheel, medicine bundles and medicines, animals and clan teachings, the sacred fire, pipe ceremonies, naming ceremonies, the vision quest, berry fast, moon ceremony, the feast, and giveaway.

Honouring Youth Pow Wow will be a celebration of the youth and future generations and be an important engagement opportunity in bringing Indigenous culture to the Dufferin County area. The goal is to provide access to culture, elders and traditional teachings and aid in the process of healing from the Residential School experience.


Miigwetch to Kim Newby for her cultural teachings and beautiful singing at our Orangeville Dinner Series Pow Wow Fundraiser Monday Night at Barb’s Country Kitchen. Here are some of the lovely people at the dinner from left to right, Reanna Wareing, Brian Jay, Edith Roussel, Kim Newby, Gil Sipkema and Sky.

Thank you to the Orangeville Dinner Series Chef’s and Barb’s Country Kitchen for helping to create a memorable experience.  Click on their logos and you will be taken to their facebook pages.  Please give them a “like!”
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Special thanks to artist William Monague for being so kind and allowing us to decorate these webpages with his beautiful artwork.
Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle
33 Quarry Dr., Orangeville, ON
L9W 3S6

(519) 216-8174