The Mandate of the DCCRC
The Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle is an emerging, not-for-profit organization. It is an Indigenous-led community whose mandate is to create a safe space for the restoration and revival of traditional Indigenous Culture in the Dufferin County area. This is done through community building events, educational workshops and spiritual gatherings. We have the guidance of a traditional elder and cultural connectors to shine light along this important path.
Land Acknowledgement
The Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle (DCCRC) would like to acknowledge the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe including the Ojibway, Potawatomi and Odawa of the Three Fires Confederacy.
The Honouring 215 Children
In honour of the 215 children found buried at a former Kamloops Residential School the DCCRC invite you to visit the Mino Kamik Medicine Garden for quiet reflection and to draw a chalk outline of your feet. These represent one of the 215 children found and the many others lost in the Indian Residential Schools. The Medicine Wheel Garden is located in Bravery Park behind the Alder Street Recreation Centre.
Medicines in the garden may be harvested responsibly for free to use for smudging.
You are also welcome to leave a pair of old kids shoes or moccasins in commemoration of the children lost to residential schools. Stones painted orange are another way you can contribute if you wish.
Update: Since this article was published unmarked graves have been found at other locations.
Support is available for anyone affected by their experience at residential schools, and those who are triggered by these reports. A national Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for residential school survivors and others affected. People can access emotional and crisis referral services by calling the 24-hour national crisis line: 1-866-925-4419. It is free and confidential
Shown below are some of the memorial items that have been left at the Medicine Wheel Garden. Click or tap on any of these pictures to see a larger version.
Statement on the Senate passing an Act Respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
On June 6, 2021 the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, issued the following statement:
“We are very pleased that the Senate has passed Bill C-15, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. We now eagerly await Royal Assent.
“Today represents a critical step in recognizing, promoting, protecting and upholding the human rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. It marks another important move forward in the evolving history of the Crown-Indigenous relationship, one that will help forge stronger relationships and support the path to self-determination for First Nations, Inuit and Métis while taking action to advance reconciliation, together.
“The implementation of the Declaration through Bill C-15 is part of the government’s commitment to addressing injustices, combating prejudice and eliminating all forms of violence, racism and discrimination, including systemic racism and discrimination, against Indigenous Peoples.
“This legislation will require the Government of Canada to examine federal laws, policies, and practices and to take all measures, in consultation and cooperation with Indigenous Peoples, to ensure consistency with the Declaration. It provides the foundation for transformational change in Canada’s relationships with Indigenous Peoples.
“The legislation will complement other initiatives underway across Canada with Indigenous partners to close socio-economic gaps, advance reconciliation and renew relationships based on the affirmation of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.
“The work to undo centuries of colonial policies could not be more urgent. The horrific finding of unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, as well as other possible graves, are yet another reminder of that truth. The harms experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis families and communities are real and ongoing and must be confronted.
“Through Calls to Action 43 and 44, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission called on all levels of government to implement the Declaration as the framework for reconciliation, and develop an action plan, strategies and other concrete measures to achieve its goals.
“Together, we must continue to walk the path of reconciliation to ensure that the rights, languages, cultures, and identities of all Indigenous Peoples are recognized, honoured, and respected. Bill C-15 provides a framework for the federal government to move forward in partnership with Indigenous Peoples for the benefit of all Canadians.”
Annual General Meeting (To be rescheduled)
In support of the Town of Orangeville’s decision to close all facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic, we will be postponing both our board meeting and the AGM until further notice.
More information on the Town of Orangeville policy is available here.
Hills of Headwaters Collaborative
Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle is a part of the new Hills of Headwaters Collaborative announced December 6, 2019. We are adding the knowledge, wisdom and experience of our Elders, Members and Indigenous Community to these discussions. Please go to our DCCRC News page and click on the link to read the full article published by the Orangeville Banner. There are also links to the Ministry of Health announcement and the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative website. Updates will follow.

Mino Kamik Medicine Wheel Garden
The DCCRC, with the help of generous donors, completed construction of a medicine wheel garden for Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members to enjoy. This has brought our traditional teachings of the Medicine Wheel and our medicines to our home of Orangeville and created a space of peace and reflection.
The Ceremony to Prepare the Ground was held in 2017. Construction started in August 2018 and was completed in November 2018. The Grand Opening and Naming Ceremony was held on June 8, 2019. The naming ceremony was performed by our Head Elder. The name given “Mino Kamik”, means “good earth one gets in the spring”. The Chief of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Elders, Representatives of the Town of Orangeville, Orangeville Police Services, Shelburne Police Services and County of Dufferin and all sponsors were in attendance.

More information is available on our Medicine Wheel Garden page.
The DCCRC Flag
On December 7, 2018, the DCCRC Flag was raised at the Alder Street Recreation Centre. This is the first time the DCCRC flag has been flown permanently in our area. For more details, please go to our DCCRC News page.

Town of Orangeville Adopts Land Acknowledgement
On November 18, 2019, the Town of Orangeville Council adopted the Land Acknowledgement which is found at the side or bottom of each DCCRC webpage. This Land Acknowledgement will be used to open Council meetings, at Town facilities and formal events as appropriate. More details are available on our DCCRC News page . Please click on the link to view the DCCRC delegation at the Council meeting and witness this historic event.
Orange Shirt Day
The Town of Orangeville recognized this day with an official proclamation.
There is more information on our DCCRC News page.
DCCRC 5th Anniversary
On December 10, 2014, Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle was incorporated. Please read the anniversary message from the DCCRC Chair and further details on our DCCRC News page
The Water Song
In 2003, a group of Anishinaabe women led by Grandmother Josephine Mandamin of the 3 Fires Lodge initiated the Mother Earth Water Walks (MEWWS) to raise awareness of water issues, both the sacred connection between people – especially women – and the waters, and how women take care of water. The first of these water walks took place in the spring of 2003, when the group walked around Lake Superior with a copper pail (due to its sacred and healing properties) of water to draw attention to the need for action regarding water issues.